Well, we get to experience a new road in life. My husband is getting out of the military. I am a little anxious, but we will manage as we always do. I am looking forward to the new adventure, but I don't really want to pack up my house. I have a lot of stuff. I am excited at the idea of being closer to family and friends though.
In the schoolwork that BabyGirl and I have been doing, I am glad to say she is progressing. She is steadily working her way through my check off sheet for the summer. And even if we don't get all the way through it, no big deal. I set some lofty goals there, and I am surprised to say that she is meeting them. I think I am going to try to push her a little harder. If she still finds it fun and excels, then I will keep going until I find that balance of challenging and fun for her.
Have fun and stay open to new adventures!
Ka' Parralell
My castle in the sky, this is a place for all my daily activities, my dreams and frustrations.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Well, BabyGirl and I have been studying Bb Butterflies this week and I think we are gonna go into next week too. Maybe. I have also started teaching her a little bit of US History. I was raised military and married military, so I think teaching our child about our country's history is very important. We are starting to learn how America was discovered by Europe. I am taking that one very slowly. We are also learning about different American legends. This week is Paul Bunyan. She loves Babe, the Big Blue Ox!
This week's shape is Oval, and we made a butterfly out of ovals of different sizes. She had fun and did most of it on her own.
Before we did this we did a Butterfly labeling sheet, so she knew where everything went.
We also have adventures planned to go to the park and look for butterflies. And I found a website that deals with nothing but butterflies in a way that children can understand. It has a couple of videos that BabyGirl has enjoyed. We have also found a mini book on the letter B and Butterflies. We are going to make a diagram of the life cycle of the butterfly for one of our Arts and Crafts projects!
And I have decided that each month we are going to do a Social Studies type project dealing with how we should treat people. Next month (when we start it) I will start with kindness. I think we are going to do a kindness tree and every time she does something nice or kind, we add a leaf to the tree describing what she did on the leaf. Hopefully by the end of the month, we will have a nice full kindness tree! I am thinking of adding Mommy and Daddy on there in spots so she doesn't have to fill up the whole tree by herself, but I will do BabyGirl in one color leaf, Mommy in another, and Daddy in a third.
Next week (or the week after depending how butterflies work out) we are going to continue our lessons on butterflies and move to Cc Caterpillars. BabyGirl seems to be really enjoying these lessons. and at the end of each week, I find and cut out some shapes of what we have been studying and we decorate her lapbook (thanks SouthernMama for the idea!!!) with little journal sheets of what she knows about that weeks subject. For each lapbook, I let her pick out the pictures that I print out on card stock to put on the outside back and the inside back for support. She really gets into making these lapbooks too, it is great! And when we are done with them, I put them on the bookcase and we come back to them when we need to. These are a GREAT idea! (hats off to SouthernMama again for that idea)
Oh well, I guess we are done for today, see you later.

This week's shape is Oval, and we made a butterfly out of ovals of different sizes. She had fun and did most of it on her own.

We also have adventures planned to go to the park and look for butterflies. And I found a website that deals with nothing but butterflies in a way that children can understand. It has a couple of videos that BabyGirl has enjoyed. We have also found a mini book on the letter B and Butterflies. We are going to make a diagram of the life cycle of the butterfly for one of our Arts and Crafts projects!
And I have decided that each month we are going to do a Social Studies type project dealing with how we should treat people. Next month (when we start it) I will start with kindness. I think we are going to do a kindness tree and every time she does something nice or kind, we add a leaf to the tree describing what she did on the leaf. Hopefully by the end of the month, we will have a nice full kindness tree! I am thinking of adding Mommy and Daddy on there in spots so she doesn't have to fill up the whole tree by herself, but I will do BabyGirl in one color leaf, Mommy in another, and Daddy in a third.
Next week (or the week after depending how butterflies work out) we are going to continue our lessons on butterflies and move to Cc Caterpillars. BabyGirl seems to be really enjoying these lessons. and at the end of each week, I find and cut out some shapes of what we have been studying and we decorate her lapbook (thanks SouthernMama for the idea!!!) with little journal sheets of what she knows about that weeks subject. For each lapbook, I let her pick out the pictures that I print out on card stock to put on the outside back and the inside back for support. She really gets into making these lapbooks too, it is great! And when we are done with them, I put them on the bookcase and we come back to them when we need to. These are a GREAT idea! (hats off to SouthernMama again for that idea)
Oh well, I guess we are done for today, see you later.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Srsly people! (caution: a rant)
Ok, I have to rant here for a second. I am getting *really* tired of people who drive through residential areas with their stereos so freaking loud that the windows in my house rattle. In the past weeks I have been woken up at around 4am by some inconsiderate person and their stereo. Not only that, but my child has been woken up, which means instead of making a rude gesture at the window and rolling over and going back to sleep, I have had to stay up until my child settles back down and goes back to sleep. I am so tired of this. What possesses someone to feel they have the need to turn their stereo up *that* freakin loud?!?! And when most people are sleeping?!?!? Makes me want to find out where they live and figure out when they sleep so I can blast opera or something outside their house. I think the only thing that stops me (besides the whole stalker vibe to this plan) is the fact that their neighbors don't deserve this. Their neighbors aren't the ones who are ticking me off. I wonder if I can wire their house to play opera in the middle of the night?? Or can I get an EMP machine and hook it up to a decibel reader to stop their car dead? Unfortunately I think that is illegal. GRRRRR....makes me so mad. And then I start to worry that my daughter is not getting enough sleep.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Wow, has it really been that long?
I had almost forgotten about this particular blog. It has been 2 years and 7 months since I have posted anything, but I guess I can get back into it. =) Life has been hectic in the last 2.5 years. BabyGirl is 3 and a half now, and we have been doing ok in Montana. I still think it is way too far away from family and friends. I have been homeschooling BabyGirl for preschool, and she is doing wonderfully. I get to have knee surgery soon, as soon as they can get it scheduled. I have some good friends up here, and so far, only one of my new good friends has moved away. ( I miss you Sam! and BabyGirl misses her Little Man!) I have been struggling with a few issues being this far away from everything I was familiar with, but I would say I have handled it well. I am going to go spend some quality time with my BabyLove, but I think I am going to get back to posting here at least once a week. Especially to post BabyGirl's advancement in her lessons. =)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
It's been a while
It has been a long while since I posted a blog of my own, but then my friend got me back into it with a community blog, so I figured, meh, why not, I will post another of my own. Let's see, alot has happened in two years. Right after my husband got orders to Korea, we found out, against all odds, that we were going to have a baby. She came out perfect. She is now 13 months old, and VERY active. I went back to work when we arrived in Montana, which is where wee went after my hubby got home from Korea. I have a very good job with a promising future in a pretty good corporation. I have been working there 2 1/2 months, and I got a promotion already. Gotta love it. Montana is COLD. Especially compared to SC or KY. The other day when I woke up it was 14 degrees F outside.....and they tell me it gets even COLDER!!! WHY???? It isn't like we moved to Siberia....Oh well, I will get accustomed to it....eventually.
I had a really bad week not too long ago. It was then that I realized that even being a couple thousand mile or so away from my REAL friends, my unbiological sisters, that I really realized, distance doesn't really decrease friendships, unless the distance is the excuse you are looking for to "loose touch with " or to "grow apart" from those friends. I may not see my real friends in SC or NC that much, but when we get together, we always seem to connect right back with each other. And especially now that phone calls are so cheap and email and video confrencing, you really only loose friendships if you want to, and if you are truely blessed with REAL friends, those unbiological brothers and sisters....it is a real shame to let them go.
I had a really bad week not too long ago. It was then that I realized that even being a couple thousand mile or so away from my REAL friends, my unbiological sisters, that I really realized, distance doesn't really decrease friendships, unless the distance is the excuse you are looking for to "loose touch with " or to "grow apart" from those friends. I may not see my real friends in SC or NC that much, but when we get together, we always seem to connect right back with each other. And especially now that phone calls are so cheap and email and video confrencing, you really only loose friendships if you want to, and if you are truely blessed with REAL friends, those unbiological brothers and sisters....it is a real shame to let them go.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Well, my husband got orders today. For you non-military people out there, it means we are moving. He got orders to Korea. Seoul to be specific. I don't know how I feel about this yet. I am glad we are moving. Things haven't been the greatest here. The area is nice, but the politics here suck. We are going to rent out the house. I don't know if we can take the dogs yet, but I am going to check on that, and I know we are going to live on the post/base, whatever it is, so we are going to be able to save alot of money. Oh well, I guess I guess I should go to bed now.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Life moves so slowly in the Fast Lane
I have been so very busy here lately, and I just keep adding more to my plate, those around me saying I am taking on too much, but then I get requests for help, so go figure. It seems as though I haven't any time for myself and my husband, yet all I am doing is hurrying around to wait. Hurry and get the babysitting charge to school just so I can wait in line to drop him off at the door, hurry up and get to the school to pick babysitting charge up so I can wait in line to get him in the car, hurry up to all the bill places to pay bills, just to wait in line. Be 15 minutes early for a doctor's appointment just to wait 45 minutes to be seen, but if you are late, then they cancel your appointment. Do you get the picture? And now, for extra money, I am cleaning a few houses as well as babysitting. And I just applied for a receptionist job at the local cable company. Maybe I will have a few minutes to myself to enjoy with my husband, but it doesnt look like it will be anytime soon.
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