Friday, February 10, 2006

Good News!!!

I got to talk to my BabyLove on the phone and on the computer twice tonight!!!!  A tentative date for his return is March 10!!!  YEAH!!!!  I am so happy, just had to share that with everyone!


Yvette said...

How exciting! Make sure your homework is done first young lady. Just kidding, have a fun time!

Southern Mama said...

Hey, that's great news about being able to talk with Dekan. And even better news that he may get to com ehome in March! I'll keep my fingers crossed that this date DOESN'T change.

Skyelin said...

yeah, I hope so, but you know the military! That date will change like 6 times between now and then and prolly go back to the original date! :) I hope he gets to come home then, I am so looking forward to it! Thanks Yvette! I'll make sure I have all my homework caught up! :)