Meet Abby, short for Abyss, the newest member of our household. She was BabyLove's Yule present. She is a precious fullbred Rottweiler. We have a few bad habits to break, but for the most part she is perfect. And she is learning very quickly too. Daddy Loves her! He was kinda hesitant for a while about her, but now they are inseparable....it's so cute! We went to the vet today... Abby didn't like the vet too much when she took her temperature....or did the fecal swab to check for worms. Poor puppy. She is in great health, and they say she should be ready to be fixed next month, as soon as her adult teeth finish coming in. Hagrid gets along with her alright, time will tell more on that. He is just jealous right now, but once he realizes that she is a member of the family, he will get over it. And we are giving him plenty of attention to compensate for the change. And he does try to play with her sometimes...but she is still kinda frightened by him. Taht will change too. :)
She is very cute. And I'm glad Dekan likes her.
But did you know that alot of insurence companies will drop homeowners if you own a "precious fullbred Rottweiler"?? If they don't cancel, they could raise the cost. They feel that Rottweilers are to dangerous of a dog. And alot of insurence companies won't cover if the dog bites someone.
I have that problem anyways with Hagrid being part chow, they won't raise for 2 any more than one, now if I start a kennel which in KY is 4 or more dogs, then it goes up. Also I get a discount for them being neutered. And if I put her through certain obiedience classes, they will not consider her a risk...but they have to be authorized through the insurance company and I have to pass as well. So I figure, why not. plus she is adorable! :)
Still, don't know what made you want a Rott...
I stopped looking at breeds and started looking at personalities and I found the right personality in Abby.
*holds hands out, palms up* You know I support your decisions, even weird ones. And you are....*gulp* right. (I swear I'll deny typing this if that gets out.) You can not judge a dog by their breed just like you can't judge a person by their color.
I suppose my dogs don't act much like chihuahuas, do they? Agree, I won't make a decision about Abby until after I met her.
Although...just to save face, you can't NOT look at breeds once kids come into play. It's proven that certain breeds don't get along well with children. But since those aren't in your picture now or anytime soon, I fully stand behind what I said above. :-)
true, true...and I understand and love the fact that you are a good enough friend to be concerned over my decisions. :) especially the weird ones. And no, you beautiful puppies do not act much like chihuahuas, although Abby seems to think she is an itty bitty lap dog, and at 5 months and 27 pounds, she MIGHT be, but at a year old and possibbly 130 pounds, she definately won't be!!! I cant wait for you to meet her. She is really precious, although right now she is teething... >:\ and chewing on everything and everyone, but that isn't going to last long.
Don't must big dogs think they're little dogs?? And my little ones think they're big.
Soory about the teething! That can be pain. She looks so sweet in her photo. Wish I could get a dog, but I fell in love with one long ago. He died from an accident. I'm not ready for another just yet, but I can hardly wait. Good luck with Abby.
Yeah, most dogs seem to think they are the opposite size than what they are! :) Thank You Yvette, I know what you mean about losing one, I lost one in Feb of 2005, Hagrid's Brother, Martin, and it has taken me this long to get another dog. I love BIG dogs, my husband likes small dogs....oops... I guess I got my way in that for now. He said something about when we retire getting little dogs. Maybe by then I will be ready for them. :D
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